International Workshop, 11 December 2023, 9am-5pm
Grands Moulins Campus, Paris Cité University, Room 165E
9 Esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, 75013, Paris

International Workshop, 11 December 2023, 9am-5pm
Grands Moulins Campus, Paris Cité University, Room 165E
9 Esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, 75013, Paris
16 June 2023, 9h30- 18h00
Campus Condorcet, Cours des Humanités, Aubervilliers, France
RiR project explored the most significant effects of the Covid-19 epidemic on maternal health, rights and struggles throught the publication of an edited book titled Coronial. Antropologia della riproduzione della sessualità al tempo del Covid-19,Gentile L., Quagliariello C., Sestito R. (eds.), Milano, Franco Angelo, 2022, 218 p.
This edited book explores the relationships between maternal health issues and Covid-19 epidemic. It includes papers of anthropologists, public health scholars and health providers (gynecologists and midwives). The aim is to make a concrete contribution to public health policies aimed at struggling social disparities related to maternal health and, more broadly, the right to health in Europe (
This panel focuses on the reproductive experiences of the women of the global African diasporas, focusing on the challenges encountered in their life trajectories and in their role in imagining and shaping diasporas’ future, through(non)reproductive/mothering/motherhood practices in everyday life.
European Conference on African Studies, Cologne, May 31-June 3, 2023.
This panel considers how “all is not well with birth” (Chadwick, 2018), welcoming insights from across reproductive and maternal health. We invite panellists to re-envision care worlds and speculate how anthropology can contribute to the provision of equitable and respectful health systems.
Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, London, April 11-14, 2023
American Anthropological Association Conference (AAA 2022), ‘Unsettling Landscapes’, Panel ‘Life Afterbirth: Critical Engagement with Postpartum Bodies And Social Expectations’, Seattle, November 9-13, 2022.
American Anthropological Association Conference (AAA 2021), ‘Trust and Responsibility’, Roundtable ‘Re-engaging anthropology with the social and political life of vulnerability in international protection’, Baltimore, November 17-21, 2021.
European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference (EASA 2022) ‘Transformation, Hope and the Commons’, Panel ‘Anthropological perspectives on the transformative potential of the pandemic on work and health rights’, Belfast, July 26-29, 2022.
Virtual Conference, April 16-17, 2021